Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love the scale every Thursday

I was running with Shaundalee this morning and she said that she is always her lowest weight of the week on Thursdays. I've been thinking about that after I weighed myself, and I totally agree. It seems like every week, I start dropping, have my free meal and free day somewhere over the course of the weekend, and then cross my fingers it doesn't show up for the final weigh in Monday morning. So if you're not an everyday weigher, atleast give Thursday a try.


  1. Wow. I was under the impression (either from you or the email information) that we weigh ourselves on Sunday morning (or on your "free day") so you don't go a whole day of doing nothing/eating whatever then weigh yourself. Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

  2. You're doing it right. You can weigh yourself once a day with your final weight for the week what you weigh Monday morning, or Sunday if you prefer to weigh before your day off starts. Whatever works for you. I was just saying how the relationship with the scale fluctuates, along with our weight through the week. Sorry to confuse you!
