Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In reference to Week 1 scores...

Alright, I admit I might be bringing my team average down. I'm working hard on the exercise part. Does anyone else feel like you "exercise" all day when you're cleaning the house and toting kids around? I do. Maybe it's not the high-heartrate-make-you-sweat kind, but it's something.
And the water part must be something my body needs because I've noticed I get a headache on the days I don't drink all that bloody water! I must be addicted and the headache is my body's way of dealing with the withdrawal!
And good luck to Jen, Shaundalee, Blanca, and Mary!



  1. Britt and Elena, any word from Merdi? She sent an e-mail mon saying she'd send her scores when she figured them out, but no word yet. I've texted, e-mailed and blogged but am not sure what else I can do. How's everyone doing? I've had to tone down the exercise this week. Stupid back. It's getting better but was so bad, kept me home from work. I've been to the chiroprator twice. I guess my pelvis won't stay in line.

  2. Blasted pelvis!
    No on Merdi. I texted her last week, but haven't heard from her since. I will try again.
