Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 3 scores

Ok, really quick I'm gonna post scores, but I need to be in bed soon to get my sleep points.

Team 1 (brit, elena, merdi) average score this week 596.7. Total points 1904.7

Team 2 (jen, blanca, mary, shaundalee) average score this week 736.2. Total points 2880.25

Hang in there, no matter who wins or who loses, we are all getting the benefits of this game.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love the scale every Thursday

I was running with Shaundalee this morning and she said that she is always her lowest weight of the week on Thursdays. I've been thinking about that after I weighed myself, and I totally agree. It seems like every week, I start dropping, have my free meal and free day somewhere over the course of the weekend, and then cross my fingers it doesn't show up for the final weigh in Monday morning. So if you're not an everyday weigher, atleast give Thursday a try.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Am I your idol?

I'm watching American Idol right now. It's 8:24 p.m. I never watch this show, but it's pretty funny. I feel bad for some of these people and I would never want to be on national TV. Not that I can sing. Because I can't. Well, technically, I can sing, but not professionally.
Oh yah, and I'm done with my exercising and my good habit. That means I've accomplished a lot today. Now I get to be lazy. If I wasn't playing the game I'd probably have a bowl of cereal right now. Or some ice cream....if I had any.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Look out...

I'm totally going to meet the weight loss goal this week. I. am. determined. Booyah!

I Stand Corrected

Ok so Team 2 scores are now official with everyone's point reported. Week 1 673. Week 2 635. Total points 1308.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nice job Team 1. Ya.

Week 2 Scores

Hello ladies, here are the results I have so far for week 2....

Mary, Blanca, Jen and Shaundalee's team avereraged 766.65 for week 2. Total points 2144.05

Elena, Brit and Merdi (who I still don't have a score for last week or this) averaged 601 for week 2. Total points 1277.1

At this rate, there bettter be some brainstorming on what fabulous prize team 2 will be buying my team......:)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Courtesy of another Game On! blog

This may look familiar to some/one of you. But, I don't recommend it!

Delicious Recipe

3 spoonfuls of lard.
Dipped in sugar.
And deep fried.
Eat up.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In reference to Week 1 scores...

Alright, I admit I might be bringing my team average down. I'm working hard on the exercise part. Does anyone else feel like you "exercise" all day when you're cleaning the house and toting kids around? I do. Maybe it's not the high-heartrate-make-you-sweat kind, but it's something.
And the water part must be something my body needs because I've noticed I get a headache on the days I don't drink all that bloody water! I must be addicted and the headache is my body's way of dealing with the withdrawal!
And good luck to Jen, Shaundalee, Blanca, and Mary!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Scores for Week far.

I know some of you are just dying to know how the scores panned out this week. I'm still waiting on 1 more score, but here's what I have so far...

Elena, Brit and Merdi's team averaged 676.1, but I still need Merdi's (for those of you who are confused, this is America's nickname) score.

Jen, Blanca, Shaundalee and Mary average score 688.7

So really until we get the last score, it's anyone's game.

Do you want me to do a breakdown of individual scores or just do it like I did?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally, a minute to check in!

So, it's been a crazier week than the normal craziness and I am just now getting a minute to sit down and see how everyone is doing. So, how IS everyone doing? I love to have my "days off" saved for the weekend, but it's going to be an interesting weekend this time around....not much wiggle room. And it doesn't help that Briar is into baking! I keep having to brush my teeth at random times to stay away from her goodies. But I'd be glad to bring any of her treats over to be fellow opponents houses, or mail them for that matter. Anyone try any new, yummy recipes?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Water is often the demon in this game. From my experience, with having to drink lots of water while being pregnant and my past Game On! experience, I start first thing in the morning. If you don't, then you have to drink a load of water later in the evening and those middle-of-the-night bathroom trips are no fun! It takes some getting used to. I almost have to make myself drink every hour. Plus, I drink out of a cup with measurements on the side so I can keep track. (Gotta love those bulky cups they give you in the hospital.) Good luck with this one!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Here's a recap of all the "stuff" we discussed or altered in the rules....

Teams-Jennifer, Blanca, Shaundalee and Mary against Elena, America and Brittany. We will average the scores each week to level the uneven teams.

We haven't decided on a prize, so the losing team will buy the winning team a prize of the losers choice. Just be nice, $1 store gifts are discouraged.

Weekly scores need to be reported to Jen weekly. If you get them to me by 5:00 p.m. Mondays, you get your 10 bonus points. I will post the results as soon as I can so you can see how your team did.

Water goal equation....whatever you weigh, divide that number in half. That is the number of ounces of water you need to drink each day. need to get 7 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. are allowed 1 per day. If you drink more than 12 ounces a day, you get a soda penalty. (This replaces the alcohol penalty on your score sheet)

Everyone needs to pick and good habit to start and a bad habit to stop. This needs to be something you can score daily. Doesn't have to be health related.

Remember your eating plan can be whatever you choose. You are welcome to use the one from the book but don't have to.

Exercise...a minimum of 30 minutes. Sunday you get off automatically and then, one other day off. So 5 times/week.

GAME ON! Good luck!