Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WEEK 5, here we are...

Hi teams! This is Britt.
Jen is a great encourage-er (is that a word?). I'm trying to hang in there, but I started working full time again and I know many of you already do that, but it's put a kink in my daily life. My days consists of getting my boys up and ready (with Bernie's help), and fed and happy before going to daycare; after which, I then proceed to the nearest elementary school (25 minutes away) to teach ornery 4th graders all day. Add an hour of tutoring onto that and I don't pick up the boys until almost 5. After that, it's a RACE, and I mean race, to get home and get a meal together before Jayden has a serious MELTDOWN. They must starve him over at the daycare (just kidding here) because we can barely get in the house before the screams begin. And after dinner the boys are either in the bath or we're getting pajamas on and it's only 6 o'clock. But when they wake up at 6:30am, then a 6:30pm bedtime is perfect. Jayden is in bed between then and 7 o'clock. So, I'm going, going, going until 7, with a little relaxation until I struggle with Isaiah around 7:30. Despite the early rising and super long day, the boy fights going to bed. Every night. But after all that, I'm tuckered out and ready for bed myself. After I hit the sack, within 7-8 hours it all starts over. And I'm only on day 2...of 29 of these. Aaaargh! Some of you might live this life, and good for you, but I'll admit...I don't like it. And I'm glad it's only for 29 days. I'm already counting down.

But back to my original thought...
Ya, try to hang in there! We've already made it through 4 weeks. I think it's actually a pretty good lifestyle to become familiar with. I know I've implemented some of these things even when I'm not playing.

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